lördag 15 januari 2011

New Boat

Something to whrite about.
We got a new boat to the center.
Much bigger than the other one and much much nicer to be on.
It's just so sad that I can't be on it.

Stupid as I am, I was driving my bike from Lonley beach back home ( almost the whole way) and crached. Yes I had a bit alcohol in my blood so don't feel sorry for me.
Some wounds on my leg, arm and horhead and a crack in my rib.

Well shit happens.

Hopefully able to dive again soon. Been out from the water over a week now and really want to go on the new boat again.

The wis is awesome and my camera just waiting to be wet again.

As ending: promice to be better and start to whrite in my blog atleast once per week.

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