torsdag 22 april 2010


Start to be really tired of the waiting in the airport now. Going for day 4 now and have at least a a change to take a flight to Zurich. It's just hope. Can't do anything else.
I'm really pissed at the airlines but in the same way not, I mean I know it's not there fault and they are really trying to get people home in one way or another.

It was very nice to see a familiar face Michi in the airport. Took the last Chang beer for this season and the most expensive one. But still nice.

Sitting in my hotel room right now and just waiting. 4 hours more and then it's time to go to the wonderful airport again. Hope is the only thing I have right now.

Can't go to the center of Bangkok eather beacouse the shit that happend there. I mean it's not an opton when they shooting granates on turists.

Can just say ....... Bangkok sucks for the moment.

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