lördag 10 april 2010

Song kran

It's time for the Thai new year called Song Kran. We are using fireworks and getting drunk under the evening.
Down here they having a three days water war and drinking the hole time. This is the reason why I stayed in Thailand for so long, can't miss this. Going to put my camera in my underwater housing so I can take lots of pics and some of them is going out here so you can see how it look like.

When that is end it's time to leave this island for this season and go somewhere else a couple of days before it's time to head off to Bangkok for a day of shopping and the flight home to Sweden and back to the reality again.

It's 42c in the shadow right now and it's only 9:30 in the morning. That's not fun anymore. It's to hot. You can't walk outside in the sun and you can't even think about walking without shoes. Never felt this heat before and it's actually really horrible so it's going to be nice in one way to leave this country and come home.

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