onsdag 28 april 2010


Finaly I'm in Europe. So so nice. Had so much problem in the airport in Bangkok. In the end I took a flight to Zurich just to go away from Thailand. Well not really true. Have my wonderful girlfriend in Scuol. A small village in Switzerland up in the mountain.

Really beautiful up here and it's so different to Thailand.
Had a wonderful walk around the area today and I was able to walk in the snow. Not dun that this year.
Going to Sweden on friday and start to work saturday so now it's end of the fun time.
It's going to be really nice to start drive bus again. Really looking forward to that.

fredag 23 april 2010


So once again in a hotel waiting for my transport to the airport to know if I can go to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Vienna or Zurich. Just want to leave this city now and go to at least Europe.
I don't care where I'm going. Just want to leave. Start to be a bit frustrated on this shit.
It's so boring just to wait, wait and wait.

In the same time, I hear lots of shouting from firearms and some kind of bombs from the center of Bangkok. My hotel is more or less 3km from there. If some tourists is going to injured, don't feel sorry for them. If they are so stupid, they have them self to blame. It's lots of information that says not to go there.

Wish me good luck and I really hope I can go to Stockholm or Zurich.


torsdag 22 april 2010


Start to be really tired of the waiting in the airport now. Going for day 4 now and have at least a a change to take a flight to Zurich. It's just hope. Can't do anything else.
I'm really pissed at the airlines but in the same way not, I mean I know it's not there fault and they are really trying to get people home in one way or another.

It was very nice to see a familiar face Michi in the airport. Took the last Chang beer for this season and the most expensive one. But still nice.

Sitting in my hotel room right now and just waiting. 4 hours more and then it's time to go to the wonderful airport again. Hope is the only thing I have right now.

Can't go to the center of Bangkok eather beacouse the shit that happend there. I mean it's not an opton when they shooting granates on turists.

Can just say ....... Bangkok sucks for the moment.

lördag 17 april 2010


So I'm sitting in the dive center and trying to get some information about my flight home. Nobody knows anything and I can understand it in one way but they can at least answer a mail or put out some information on their homepage so we have a Cloe how to do. I have no idea if I'm going up to Bangkok tomorrow or if I sculled stay some more days. Really want to go home now.....

torsdag 15 april 2010

Song Kran

So now is Song Kran findelly over. It's the Thai New year and means water war and beer drinking for three days. One of the absolut funniest party I ever been in. Everybody on the hole island was in it and was playing the game.

It's only five days left in Thailand and I'm leaving Koh Chang in 2 or three days. Don't know yet. Lets see what's going to happens. Know I had a really funny time here and want to come back for next season but it's far away and lots of stuff can come in the way so it's just wait and see.

lördag 10 april 2010

Song kran

It's time for the Thai new year called Song Kran. We are using fireworks and getting drunk under the evening.
Down here they having a three days water war and drinking the hole time. This is the reason why I stayed in Thailand for so long, can't miss this. Going to put my camera in my underwater housing so I can take lots of pics and some of them is going out here so you can see how it look like.

When that is end it's time to leave this island for this season and go somewhere else a couple of days before it's time to head off to Bangkok for a day of shopping and the flight home to Sweden and back to the reality again.

It's 42c in the shadow right now and it's only 9:30 in the morning. That's not fun anymore. It's to hot. You can't walk outside in the sun and you can't even think about walking without shoes. Never felt this heat before and it's actually really horrible so it's going to be nice in one way to leave this country and come home.

onsdag 7 april 2010

Hot n

It's so hot down here for the moment. Never been in this before.

Looking forward to go back to Sweden in one way but not in another. Have lots of friends down here, nice weather, good diving and awesome beer but it's going to be very fun to go home to friends and family again. Been here five months now and start to be a bit bored on the island. Left it 2 times so far and total 7 hours.

Of course it's another reason to but I'm not going to say anything about that here. The ones how know, knows.

Heading of from the island 16/4 and have no idea what I'm going to do. My flight is the 21 from Bangkok. Let's see.

Have a good day where ever you are.