måndag 16 november 2009

A while ago

I am so sorry.
Was findelly coming down to Thailand, took a five hour bus from the airport to the ferry and 45 min boat to Koh Chang. Met the owner Peter and his firlfriend Babs.
They helped me to find a good place to live and a long term rent for a vespa.

Must say. It's a very good divecenter and all the staff is very nice.
It is two centers and the main one have class room, all the gear and so on and the other one is more for selling stuff.

A normal day is start by seven to pack the things for the day and take a morning coffee. We put everything in the car and going to the beach five minutes away. There waits a small boat that take us out to the big boat.
The big one is 20 meter long and have everything you need as free drinks, coffee toilet and so on. Depending where we are going it take around one hour to the dive sites. We are doing one dive and then up and relax, eat lunch on board and going to the next site under the meantime.
We are back again around 3-4 and we all help to wash the gear and fix the stuff for next day. Everybody helping with everything even if you are boss or thai car driver.

My jet lag is findelly gone. yeeeh......

The diving is awesme and so colorfull. 30 degrees in the water and 35 in the air (every day).

Now it's time to work again but I whrite more tomorrow about the diving.

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