tisdag 3 november 2009


I have nothing to do. Just walking around, waiting for my passport to be dun so I can go to the Thai ambassy and apply for my multi visa that allowed me to stay more than one month.
Come on swedish police, don't be so spanish and hurry up.
Can't they understund that I want to go on Sunday em and I can't do that without my passport.

Only good thing with this is that I have time to plan my trip. Saving around 300 euro to take a bus from Bangkok (5 hours bus, 20 min ferry all inclusive in the price) insted of using the flight. (1 hour flight, one hour small shit taxi, bus to ferry ticket office, 20 min new cab to ferry, not included waiting, get bag from flight and so on)

So....Thanks swedish police for taking so long. Saved 300 buck..........................

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