söndag 29 november 2009

Free day

My first free day down here. Going to drive around for a bit and then volley ball on the beach with some swedish people.

Really hot day today. Need to drink more beer I think.

Was in a beachparty last night. FUNNY... Was in white sand and it was a long drive back home( not so funny any more). One full bottle of whiskey and 6 cokes cost you 400 bath. That's under 10 euro and a beer cost you around 1.50 euro. So expensive down here.

Drive down here is little bit different to home. Left hand traffic and if you want a helmet to your bike you have to rent it. Nobody using that anyway.

Everybody drives pickup and you are sitting back on the car, or sitting on the roof or somewhere else where you can get room for just that ride.

All for now.

lördag 28 november 2009

My office

Here is some pictures from my office.

Fun at work

We was speaking about ice diving and how we are walking up side down under the boat and our divemaster Jade was coming with the id'e walk under the boat. Was a really good id'e to do

A new good day

We have a big problem with internet right now so I can't put out any pictures for the moment. Start to be really hot down here but the wis in the water is not so good right now.
Still lots of work and hopefully I can take my first day off on Monday. Get good pay so it's ok if not.

Coming back with some fotos later on I hope

lördag 21 november 2009

Wonderful day

Starting an open water course with four swedish students today. They are looking at the video now so I can relax a bit and go tru with my swedish divemaster trainee (Anni) how I want to make the course.

Sunny day but really windy. The roofs on the houses flying away. Never seen this cind of wind before.

Got a new pet down here. Going to show you a picture later. (forgot my camera at home). He (or she) got hi's name after the wonderful cat henry.
Henry lives in the bathroom behind the mirror and is out walking sometimes when I turn on the light.

torsdag 19 november 2009

Normal day at work.

Start at seven to pack the stuff for the day.
Away with the car to beach and lift it over to the small boat for transport over to the big boat. Put everything in order and wait for the costumers to come.
One day of diving, back to shop and wash the gear and relax or do some theory work.
Easy and lots of fun. Just love it

tisdag 17 november 2009

Some more pictures

Here is some more pictures over the divecenter and the area where I living.

The first hangover dun

It was a big party last night. Free food and live music. Really fun. It was no diving for me today so that was perfect.
It's hot like hell but a little bit windy for once today. Are in our small sellshop and just relaxing.Going to put in some more pictures but the internet here is everything exept fast.
Took a picture last night over the sunset and we see that every day when we are closing the shop.

måndag 16 november 2009

A while ago

I am so sorry.
Was findelly coming down to Thailand, took a five hour bus from the airport to the ferry and 45 min boat to Koh Chang. Met the owner Peter and his firlfriend Babs.
They helped me to find a good place to live and a long term rent for a vespa.

Must say. It's a very good divecenter and all the staff is very nice.
It is two centers and the main one have class room, all the gear and so on and the other one is more for selling stuff.

A normal day is start by seven to pack the things for the day and take a morning coffee. We put everything in the car and going to the beach five minutes away. There waits a small boat that take us out to the big boat.
The big one is 20 meter long and have everything you need as free drinks, coffee toilet and so on. Depending where we are going it take around one hour to the dive sites. We are doing one dive and then up and relax, eat lunch on board and going to the next site under the meantime.
We are back again around 3-4 and we all help to wash the gear and fix the stuff for next day. Everybody helping with everything even if you are boss or thai car driver.

My jet lag is findelly gone. yeeeh......

The diving is awesme and so colorfull. 30 degrees in the water and 35 in the air (every day).

Now it's time to work again but I whrite more tomorrow about the diving.

måndag 9 november 2009

Bye Sweden

Time to go.
Have all my things packed and just waiting for the plane to take off. Just a little nervous.
Really looking forward to do this.
Was calling to Thai air and they told me that I was not allowed to take my dive light with me. I didn't got any good explanation why but it was forbidden. Strange. What can happened???

Well doesn't matter. Left it at home.

torsdag 5 november 2009

Thai embassy.

Almost everything is dun for the trip. I had my passport for almost 15 hours and then I left it to the Thai embassy for my visum application . Hope they take care of it for me. The girl how helped me was very nice and promise me to do my visum little bit faster. Nice of her. That mean I can go on Tuesday afternoon.

Driving bus tomorrow. Really nice to work again. Been home the hole week beacouse all applicatons that I was needed to do before the trip but now I'm almost ready to go.

tisdag 3 november 2009


I have nothing to do. Just walking around, waiting for my passport to be dun so I can go to the Thai ambassy and apply for my multi visa that allowed me to stay more than one month.
Come on swedish police, don't be so spanish and hurry up.
Can't they understund that I want to go on Sunday em and I can't do that without my passport.

Only good thing with this is that I have time to plan my trip. Saving around 300 euro to take a bus from Bangkok (5 hours bus, 20 min ferry all inclusive in the price) insted of using the flight. (1 hour flight, one hour small shit taxi, bus to ferry ticket office, 20 min new cab to ferry, not included waiting, get bag from flight and so on)

So....Thanks swedish police for taking so long. Saved 300 buck..........................

måndag 2 november 2009

First of all

Here you are going to be able to see my crap spelling in english and my trip to Thailand with some pictures and my life down here.

I have no id'e how much I am going to be blogging here so let's see.

Home in Sweden for the moment but hopefully I start my trip November 10.