tisdag 30 mars 2010


So was it time to have birthday again. This time on Koh Chang.
The most funny thing was that my wonderful friend Cornelia has her birthday 28 and me the 29 so we was putting it together.
Her day was starting with a good breakfast, then off to the beach for a while and away for some tree top adventure. Really funny. Didn't get room with the pictures here. :(
Back to the beach again and then away to have a party for both of us in stone free at Lonley beach. Really nice with good friends.
My day was starting with Conny and me to do some elephant tracking. Nice ride in the jungle.Of to the beach again for some wonderful massage before it was time to go to Aana resort to take a gondola on the Chanel with food and a good bottle of red wine.
The most romantic thing I ever dun. Going to be hard to beet that.
We was ending the night with a bottle of champagne at the beach in full moon. Not bad that either. Thanks Conny for two wonderful days. It was really awesome. Looking forward to see you soon again.

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