tisdag 30 mars 2010


So was it time to have birthday again. This time on Koh Chang.
The most funny thing was that my wonderful friend Cornelia has her birthday 28 and me the 29 so we was putting it together.
Her day was starting with a good breakfast, then off to the beach for a while and away for some tree top adventure. Really funny. Didn't get room with the pictures here. :(
Back to the beach again and then away to have a party for both of us in stone free at Lonley beach. Really nice with good friends.
My day was starting with Conny and me to do some elephant tracking. Nice ride in the jungle.Of to the beach again for some wonderful massage before it was time to go to Aana resort to take a gondola on the Chanel with food and a good bottle of red wine.
The most romantic thing I ever dun. Going to be hard to beet that.
We was ending the night with a bottle of champagne at the beach in full moon. Not bad that either. Thanks Conny for two wonderful days. It was really awesome. Looking forward to see you soon again.

måndag 22 mars 2010

Mongolian Barbecue

We har a very fun night yesterday. Was eating mongolian food again and was drinking to many beers again. Eat how much you want for 129 baht. Everything between fish, chicken,beef and so on, you name it. With good company of course. The rest is out diving and I have a day in the classroom. Much better.

lördag 20 mars 2010


Hot like hell down here and it's just getting warmer and warmer for every day and today is the count down for the flight home. Only one month left in the paradise. But like I said before. Maybe going back for next year again. Got lot's of friends down here that I don't want to loose as friends.

That was all for today.

Going to Three house to night by the way. See you there if you want to go out.

tisdag 16 mars 2010

Only Thailand

We have a newspaper down here that we can read about different thing that happens on the island Koh Chang. Found an article about bar of the month. Of course I have to know witch one it is. Hmm. It's the Bar next to my favorite Jalla Jalla called Bitchy bar. It's a hocker bar if I can say so, BAR of the month. It's amazing how that bar can be that.
Where is the world going to end. Just want to know.

lördag 13 mars 2010

Not so fun

The boat was going out like normal yesterday but stopped after a wile. Found a dead white guy in the water quite far away from land. Was needed to wait for 3 hours before the rescue was coming and it was no diving that day. We all wonder how it is and hope that they can find out how and why. He had only shorts so maybe he took a night swim or something.

måndag 8 mars 2010

I know, it sucks

Am really bad to put something in my blog last couple of weeks. Going to try to be better in that.

Nothing to speak about for the moment. The date to come home is coming closer and closer. 21/4 is the day my flight leave to Sweden with or without me so hopefully I'm on that flight. Going to be nice to come home in one way but sad in another. Really like this island and the people around me. already decided to come back next year but let's see. You never know.