torsdag 28 januari 2010

You be the judge... would you do the right thing???

We have 18 dive schools on the island and I really hate one of them.
Two days ago I lost my fins at one of our most popular dive sites. Never fun to loose your personal stuff. In this case it wasn't good it was mine just because I was a little bit clumsy but, shit happens.

One day later I find out that one dive instructor found my fins on the first dive and that only because Jade our Divemaster was on their boat just that particular day. I was really happy of course because I really love that pair of fins.

So far so good.

Yesterday I found out that the wanker to Eco instructor that found them wanted 3000 baht in reward. I was speaking to another instructor in Eco divers and told him that he could tell the instructor to put them in a very dark place if he wanted so much money for my own fins.

BUT.... Was speaking to the Swe instructor again and he told me that he sold them the first day, MY FINS to a divemaster trainee. WHAT A FUCKING ASHOLE. He earn more or less the same amount of money and have the same expenses and he know also that is quite expensive fins. Only the strap cost me 2000 baht in Europe.

So that was the ending of this story....No no what do you think......

They also found a compass that one of our customers lost under an advanced course from our center and a dive computer that was lost under a rescue scenario that belongs to one of our instructors and they was all clerley markt with our initials SCDC. We called to the wankers and told them about the computer and exactley where to find it, so if they did find it, we thought that it is a normal collegial thing to be honest enough to return it (obviously we would give a reward of some kind)NOT.... Not that instructor..No no.... He is too "cool" for that and I hope he understand one day what he's doing and maybe he understand that instructors are colleges even if they work in another center, but again maybe he is to stupid to understand that too. We are all in the same industry, we all do it for the love of diving, we share the same passion but maybe some don't follow the same decency and and generally not being a DICK!

On top of everything, the owner of ECO DIVERS don't care about what happens.

I forth EKO DIVERS was a good center. So wrong it can be sometimes.

Let's see if this is the ending of the story. Going to write about it otherwise.

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