torsdag 31 december 2009


Happy new year. Have a very bad hangover today. At Least they know how to celebrate a new year down here. Puh...
Beach party the hole night.

onsdag 30 december 2009


Was on the boat today with one owd student. Easy work and very good in the water. Didn't take my camera because the viz was not so good. Went down to 9 meter and was doing the skills for owd 3. No problem. Took a dive around the reef Blueberry hill.
We saw a Leopard shark at 8 meters and my camera was on the boat. F_ck. It was following us for couple of minutes and then went away.
My new rule down here is.....Never jump in to the water and leave the camera on boat. Hate my self for that. If I do it again, I'm going to see the whale shark....

söndag 27 december 2009

onsdag 23 december 2009

Merry Christmas

Wish everybody how reading my blog a wonderful Christmas. I'm going for Swedish Christmas food in a while but I don't feel any Christmas feelings at all. 33c in the shadow right now and no snow to land on for Santa.

Very good diving

Today was one of the best days down here. I'm speaking about 40 meter of wis and flat sea. Just awesome. Lots of fish and not to many divers on the dive spot. Also very good studens today. Just love my work sometimes....

tisdag 22 december 2009

Lots of work

I'm the only swedish in the center for the moment and I have lots and lots of work. I get paid for it so I'm still happy. Took my camera with me today but it was really bad wis so I couldn't take any good ones (as you can see) Was fun to play with an octopus at least. They are not so common down here so last time I saw one was in Spain.
Two days to Christmas and no snow. Wonder what kind of transport Santa using

söndag 20 december 2009


I got my work in Koh Chang because one girl.... Anni. She was explaining everything very well in the dive center and after a while we was starting to be very good friends.
She was always making shore that I dun everything I was needed to do every day.
Easy explaining, a very good friend.

She was leaving this morning because personal reasons and I went there to say good bye.
Are really sad that she left and I know I'm going to miss her down here as the good friend she are.
Going to have contact with her even if she's home and we are going to dive next summer so we meet again.
Really like to have friends like her. Feel like I got a second sister or a very very good friend I can trust.

Everybody down here miss her and we all hope that she's going to send us an post card from Canada.

fredag 18 december 2009

First picture

Got my first Christmas present. An underwater housing to my camera. A very good guy called Rolle bout it for me.How culled he know, it was highest on my list this year. Wonderful man Rolle. Here is the first and second picture with it.

torsdag 17 december 2009

Just want to say.....

Just want to say that I'm thinking about you all people in Sweden without electricity in the snowstorm. It was 38c here today do you know how expensive it is to let the ac run the hole day.

onsdag 16 december 2009

Party for the boss

Peter (owner of the dive center) had hi's birthday yesterday so we was making the center to a big bar with food, drinks and lots of beer. Really funny day but maybe not so funny today. He he.
We was trying to get a picture of everybody how are working in the center too but it was late so it's little bit dizzy.

måndag 14 december 2009


You can now make a comment on my blog (Think so anyway) If I dun it right....

So lucky

Was diving today and the day went like normal except the five last minutes.
Was helping one diver to get out of the water and I saw that I dropped my D9 dive computer. What can you say more than fuck.
BUT I was so lucky that it went down between the tank and BCD on Anni how was under me so I got it back. THAT's lucky. 1500 euro. Going to be a free beer for her tonight.

torsdag 10 december 2009

Beach day

Was on the beach yesterday and was trying to take some customers for next week. We are making this once per week and it's a funny day. Speaking with lots of people and just enjoying the day.

Was on the same beach at the evening and was eating a good dinner with Anni and friends because it was there last night here.

Now it's time to work.

onsdag 9 december 2009

volleyball at the beach

We are trying to play volleyball every week at the beach. It's some swedish people how lives on the island, at least over the season like me.
It was little bit hard today because my wonderful hangover but it was really fun.
We are in team Jalla Jalla and it's the name of a swedish bar here on Koh Chang.
We can't be there every week but we are trying at least.
Need to do some different things outside diving.

Ofcourse they where diving with whaleshark and turtles today just becouse I had a day off. That sucks

Big party = big hangover

So now is the first really big party night over and a big big hangover that's not over....
We was starting at 7 and ended at 7. Fun fun fun.
I am free today but my colleague is working, or trying to.

tisdag 8 december 2009

måndag 7 december 2009


Forgot to show how Henry is.
Was speaking about him before and I got him on picture now. Why hi is called Henry is becouse a very cute cat in us has that name.
He have his home behind the mirror in the bathroom and he eat all moskitos that comes inside.

The childrens day

It was a different day at work today.
A Swedish family wanted a day of snorkeling and we took them with us on the dive boat. Only thing was that they where 9 people in total and from two years old and up.
I had one Swedish open water and our dive master trainee had the Swedish group. They where everywhere on the boat and in the water. Was crying because they got salt water in there eyes and wanted to go down to us under the surface so Anni was really working. My day was really soft whit a very good student.

lördag 5 december 2009

Mongolian barbecue

We was eating Mongolian barbecue last night with Anni and her friends from Sweden and that was an new experience.

It's like a buff'e and you pay 150 bath (3 euro) and you can eat as much as you want. All food down here is really fresh and so so good. Going to need to buy a new wet suit before I get home.


The king of Thailand has his birthday today. How to celebrate that???
Well, if it was in Sweden we said happy birthday and was maybe going to see him at the royal palace or we willed say how cares.

That's Sweden.

In Thailand they stop to sell alcohol THE HOLE DAY...Everywhere. Store, pubs restaurants. Everywhere except Scandinavian Chang diving center. He he.

Going to be a big party tonight (to honour the king of course)...

All Thai people is dressed in yellow to honour him and hi is very big here.