söndag 27 februari 2011


Getting ready to drive down to Cornelia in Scoul.
Been home for two days and wasched some clodes and shange my divegear to ski gear.

Feel strange to do that, was in 30c three days ago.

Well, this is going to be my biggest life shange ever.

Time to go....

fredag 25 februari 2011


OK. That's it.

Are back home in a cold Sweden again after four months of sun and 30c.

Not going to be heree for so long, going to Cornelia in the end of this week or maybe Monday. She is the reason why I'm home and I love it.
See her, some skiing and a nice time in Scoul, can it be better???

Don't think so.

Only need to have some more than a pair of shorts I guess

måndag 14 februari 2011

So good season at Koh Chang

We had one divier how was asking hi's girlfriend to marrie him. She said yes so he invited the whole center for a party after. That means, I have a really bad hangover today and no diving today. Puh.

Been so good vizibility this season on the island. We are speaking about 20-40 meters every day.
Only thing missing right now is the whale shark. Guess I have to wait for that a while. Sad but true.

This is maybe the last week I'm diving here for a long time.
Leaving the island 23 and going for Pataya for a day and then Bangkok and home.
Going to be really nice to see Cornelia after so long time. Never going to be away from her so long again.

fredag 28 januari 2011


Was on a thaiboxing fight yesterday.
It was quite interesting, lots of money in the air.

Not going again but still a thing you have to do if you have the oportunity.

Everyting is working as usual exept that I hate when people cancelling ther dives in the last sec.

Preper everything in the night, up early in the morning and trying to make everything perfect for the day and they calling and says that they are ot feeling for diving today.

We are on the boat with ther equipment on place,food and instructors as have to go back again and been working for nothing and in the same time are supose to smile and be in a good mood.

Think about that next time you cancelling a trip the same morning. Someone have to suffer and it,s not you.

onsdag 26 januari 2011

29 days

Going home in 29 days. Feel sad in one way but really happy in a nother way.

Sad to leave the center and know that I mait not come back again and leave my friends. Not going to see them all again.

Good thing is that my wonderful girlfriend Cornelia and her cat Kimmy is waiting for me.
Going home for two or three days and then just jump in to my car and drive down to Switzerland and the small place called Scoul.

I have no id'e what's going to happend after that. Going back to Sweden for a while but no id'e for how long or where to go after that.

Only thing I can say right now is that I love Cornelia a lot and are so happy to see her soon again.

I don't know if I'm dun with Thailand or Thailand is dun with me but I'm coming back. (I think).

onsdag 19 januari 2011


The visibility is awesome for the moment and it´s 29c in the water. Had an 11 year old student that was very good and we had some company with three banner fishes on the second dive. Still no turtle, she is just coming every time the camera is on the boat.

It's only 38 days left on the island and then home again for some skiing in Schoul with Cornelia. Really looking forward to that too.

lördag 15 januari 2011

New Design

Now when I can't dive and decided to start to whrite in my blog again, it was time for an frech up.

Well, I saw my Swedish boss had dun that so I felt that I was needed to do that too.

So now it's dun.
