lördag 27 februari 2010


My new BCD was coming yesterday. Happy again. Ordered 1 1/2 month ago. Well well, we are in Thailand and they are not quick, know that now.
It was expensive too.

Just want you to know too, it's to hot down here right now and it's going to be warmer for every week. It can be to much of the good sometimes. Around 40c in daytime and 32 in night. That is to hot for me.

lördag 20 februari 2010


Doing an rescue course with an Danish guy. Just the rescue is a very fun course but before that you need to have EFR. It called HLR in swedish and that is the most important thing in the hole course but it's so boring.
Soon it's time to go to the pool and that is really fun. Be stressed and dead. serious but really funny. It's the funniest course in PADI if you ask me. Have not dun it in while so I must sit down and study a bit my self.

torsdag 18 februari 2010


So one our divemaster trainees got the title Divemaster yesterday. That mean a big party for him and a great hangover the day after. Going to but in some more pictures so you can see what our divemasters must go thru. This is just in the end of the day on the boat.

torsdag 11 februari 2010


Back from Cambodia. Was costing me 1000 baht extra for two days overstay.
A nice country. Was there at least 20 min.

Doing an Open Water course right now and they are so so boring. Don't know where they are from or what they really want to do but I hope they are better in the water than speaking. Let's see.

Back again soon.

fredag 5 februari 2010


Just sold a full dive kit and a digital camera to the same costumer. Feels good if you think about the 10% that I get. Was needed that. My new BCD is coming next week and I need the money. January was a really bad month. Didn't count with that.

Soon time to go to Cambodia to make my visa run too. Have Petra with me as usual so I'm not getting lost.